The emergence of a global pandemic
What everyone should know about COVID-19
Covid19 is the most contemporary form of coronaviruses. The word ‘Corona’ literary means ‘crown’ in Latin and the virus has been named Coronavirus for its crown like shape with spikes on the surface.Its first case emerged in the city of Wuhan in China on December 2019. Soon, the virus was considered a global pandemic by the Word Health Organization and it has laid its steps in multiple countries over the world ever since.
To understand a pandemic, it is important to learn about the epidemics. There have been other forms of coronavirus in the past too. Earlier, such viruses had been known to be solely existing in animals. The SARS virus caused by coronavirus is called SARS-cov and the other, MERS-cov similarly. Although it’s an obscure, butboth have existed before this recent coronavirus. Animals like bats have known to be the origin of these viruses and it is suggested that the live animal markets may have contributed to its transfer from animal to man. Both the viruses were not considered a pandemic because of its unhurried spread restricting to a small region and easy control.
Some viruses exist forever and some don’t. The influenza virus is a common example of a less harmful virus that has existed ever since its emergence. But a virus is considered a global pandemic when it spreads to more than one continent of the world with an alarming means of transfer where it spreads from person to person by droplets in the air caused by sneezing or coughing and through infected surfaces too.
Does it look tougher than it is?
Currently there have been a total of 8,064,008 cases all over the world of Covid19 by 15th June, 2020. Although, the ratio of recoveries over deaths has been higher considering the number of recoveries being 4,174,399 and deaths being 437,204, the fear and panic around it has been the bigger problem than the virus itself. The higher ratios of recoveries are evidence to the fact that the virus may not be as harmful to all. It is suggested the the virus is most harmful to people with underlying medical conditions and weak immune systems. The bigger ratio of recoveries is a proof that people with a strong immune system are able to fight it.
While, the virus has succeeded in giving a tough time and being a challenge for the whole world, it has also somehow shown the capabilities and strengths of many states. From the economy downfall to the pressure on the medicine departments, the virus has proven to be a threat for all.
The most affected countries have been China, Italy, the United States, Russia, Spain and etc. States that were considered powerful enough have been shaken by the severity of the outbreak while many developing countries have actually seemed to be doing not so bad on the other hand.
What are the myths?
Following are the various myths about coronavirus that have been rejected by the health organizations.
It is only a risk for people of old age.
Although, people of all age have been affected by it.
The strength of the virus will be weakened as the temperature increases.
Whereas, it is already summer in many parts of the world and that has not made any positive difference to the threat.
It’s just a flu.
Yes, it may begin easy with just a dry cough, but it leads to infecting the lungs and the immune system.
Initial days of the outbreak:
Let’s begin with China where the outbreak began. Initially, the situation looked difficult too be handled as it was something completely stranger to the doctors and erudite scientists but with the help of complete lockdown for a few months and practicing social distancing, China has succeeded in making its situation better. Some believe the virus has been caused by an animal market in Wuhan passed on by bats but, there is no solid answer to where exactly has this come from.
Strategies that have worked right:
Comparing both the ways how the countries that failed to fight the virus and countries that have successfully eliminated the virus from their country, is a proof of the right strategies.
The first thing that one requires as a leader of a nation is the courage and passion for the well-being of all its people. States like America and India already are divided into minorities and what not. Along with that, taking too long to make the right decision, does not serve well as the attack has already been done.
While, some countries like New Zealand under the leadership of Prime Minister Jacenda Ardern have made an example of successfully fighting Covid19. Their best worked strategies include the following:
Early lockdown, deciding to take action early is the accurate way to avoid the worst situation in the future and it’s easier to handle such situations in the beginning.
Believe in science rather than myths to avoid false information and spread the right awareness. The better the awareness, the better the control over the situation.
Following SOPs in the right way. While no precaution may be a hundred percent surety but it surely reduces the risk of spread and altogether improves the graph.
Spreading the message strength instead of fear. It true that more people have recovered than there have been deaths, which should be a great motivation for people to believe in ‘’stay home, stay safe’’.
Fast testing has been a huge help to keep the count of those infected and to isolate them in order to save other lives around them.
Working on improving the health system and providing the facility of more isolation beds to prepare for the situation ahead. The government needs to be diligent towards this.
What’s next?
As the virus continues to spread currently, the only way ahead is to follow the right precautions that include not unnecessarily going out, wearing safety measures and practicing social distancing to make the world Covid19 free. To be hopeful and not spread fear should be enough to keep the strengths strong.