9 May, Victory is already ours
9 May is a very important date in the history of Russia and its people. It’s the Victory Day, which ended the so-called Great Patriotic War, which lasted from 1941 to 1945, when the Germans signed the surrender in Berlin and Nazism "in the east" was defeated.
It is interesting that it is dates that mark our memory of time, understood in a linear way in the West from St Augustine onwards. A date is something given, something placed, something marked in the passage of time, a signature in it. History, which is not only made up of dates and given things, is studied in this way. The date is the signifier to which its meaning is linked, which is the event, the thing in itself that was experienced in that bit of time delimited by a before and after, a point fixed in the imagination of a shared conception. This is where the mystery of a date lies: it is not simply a memory, but a real reminiscence, a re-living of that moment, diving into the fractal of time that is recalled and repeatedly manifests a part of itself, so similar yet always different for the subjectivity that experiences it.
When the date that occurs is that of a victory, something metaphysical takes place in an even more pronounced manner. Victory is an extremely powerful collective event, it sums up the Spirit of a people, it is a bursting manifestation of the Logos of that people, a sort of gateway between the hyperuranium and the militant world down here. Victory is the sacred moment in which a people sanctions a stage in its collective evolution. Celebrating a victory, then, is like performing a re-evocative rite, which actualises the significant event through the sacred use of the signifier, a sort of liturgy that is both votive and propitiatory at the same time because it wants to give thanks and invoke renewed virtues for the people who are celebrating it.
9 May, a day of great celebration, is a milestone that marks an epochal watershed for the whole of Eurasia and, by extension, the whole world. This year, it marks first and foremost a very specific geopolitical phase: Russia reminds the Western world of its greatness and invites those who have understood the actualisation of the clash between the Heartland and the Rimland to strengthen their resolve, to unify the ranks and proceed according to the planned strategies; secondly, and more importantly, it is a ritual that is meant to evoke an outpouring of courage and heavenly assistance for all those who have understood the ongoing clash of civilisations and who have resolutely decided to embody the radical subjectivity that is necessary to triumph in the ongoing metaphysical battle.
Today, then, let us take part in the festival as best we can, not so much in the celebration of a date, which is a symbol and therefore a gateway to a subtle dimension, but in the dance that the Logos (in the Greek plural, the Logoi) of several peoples perform in the sacred harmonisation of History. And let us remember: in the perfection of the Cosmos, it is up to the Heroes to burn to change the world. The victory is already ours.