Today, the world stands at a crossroads—a dangerous yet transformative moment—marked by the collapse of traditional power structures and the...
Vietnam has always been a special country. A socialist state, it preferred the Soviet Union to China which was much closer in terms of territory, and...
Mid-April saw high-level, intense meetings between India and US - as PM Modi and President Biden announced a surprise virtual summit to take place...
In February, Kuwait, a small, but highly influential emirate in the estuary of the Arab (Persian) Gulf, is festively celebrating two great holidays...
But Trump is a hostage of hegemony, i.e., his own sixth column - his inner circle, the apparatus, almost the entire American elite.
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in the Kazakh capital of Astana. Here he will meet with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev to take part...
Nowadays, we are used to associating the word 'networking' with social media on the Internet. However, even social networking is a broader phenomenon...
Terrorists' strongholds in seven different regions in Northern Hama came under 75 air raids by the Russian and Syrian fighter jets on Friday.
In Russia, we live under the conditions of archaeomodernity. The second edition of my book Archaeomodernism has just been published, in which I...
Facts should be enough to revert the West’s image of Russia. Personally, I cannot help feeling so much sympathy for Putin and the Russian people,...
The emergence of the Old Russian state, the period before the Mongol invasion and after it is called the period of Holy Russia. This is when the main...
The most important aspect of the Theory of the Multipolar World (TMW) is the concept of counter-hegemony as first formulated in the context of the...