Today, the world stands at a crossroads—a dangerous yet transformative moment—marked by the collapse of traditional power structures and the...
Rapidly changing geopolitics are having a deep impact on this Region. Nations are aligning their interests, partners, foes, and friends. The...
The meeting between the Russian and Japanese foreign and defense ministers indicates interests of two countries to continue dialogue and upgrade it...
Iran is in many ways a unique country. This state was one of the first in modern history to rebel against the dictate of the West. As a result of the...
Following the decision to use the Hmeymim Air Force base near Latakia on a permanent basis, the port in Tartus will also become a full-fledged naval...
The South Caucasus poses a serious problem for Russia. The same goes for the entire near regions, with the exception of Belarus. Only with Minsk are...
Mr President, when delivering your Address [to the Federal Assembly], you were figuratively pulling trillion by trillion out of your sleeve. As a...
Contemporary Chinese political scientists derive their doctrine of multipolarity from the Cold War era, and in particular the five principles of...
The second wave of the West’s assault on Russia has begun, the US seems to be targeting Russia’s soft under belly, or what was thought to be soft,...
A strategic information campaign against a particular state usually involves a number of elements and layers. While officials and diplomats gradually...
But Trump is a hostage of hegemony, i.e., his own sixth column - his inner circle, the apparatus, almost the entire American elite.
In Russia, we live under the conditions of archaeomodernity. The second edition of my book Archaeomodernism has just been published, in which I...