Roland Dumas, born in 1922, belongs to the last generation of great French Statesman who experienced the French – German war that prompted the...
The summit of heads of the defense departments and ministries of foreign affairs of the EU member countries was held in Brussels. During this...
The world is realizing the price for American hegemony and vanity is criminally insane as the Ukraine debacle demonstrates amply.
The Hungarian and the Slovak Foreign Ministers, speaking to a recent conference, have advanced the idea for new enlargements of NATO in the Balkans...
On Wednesday, June 12 NATO and Russia have got a new reason to argue and make claims to each other. NATO posted an 8-minute online documentary...
After the collapse of Nazi Germany, the Americans entered Western Europe with the firm intention of staying there forever, and to be completely...
With G7 “leadership” mired in a sticky swamp of intellectual shallowness, predictably the only agenda in colonized Japan was more sanctions on Russia.
The war taking place today in Syria is, perhaps, a new kind of war in terms of the means used, its scope, and the type and huge number of parties...
Russia's decision to intervene with in Syria, including with tactical air support, to the legally elected government of Bashar al-Assad, is based on...
On August 1, Vice President of the United States Mike Pence visited Montenegro, Pence is the highest US official to visit Montenegro in over a...
- How do you see the consequences of Montenegro’s membership in NATO for the broader region?
NATO continues to creep eastward, now hosting thousands...
US President Donald Trump signed a protocol on the accession of Montenegro to NATO. Earlier in late March, the document was ratified by the US Senate...