FBI: Clinton is guilty, but should not be prosecuted


The FBI has completed the investigation of violations of rules for the use of personal e-mail by the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The presidential candidate became the center of a scandal.

The criminal

Earlier, a report was published, according to which Clinton used a mobile device for official correspondence from her personal email account. However, she did not receive official permission from the Information Security Department. As a result, sensitive data could be relegated to foreign intelligence services.

To justify at any price

Despite the fact that Clinton was found guilty of "gross negligence” in handling information of great importance, the FBI does not recommend that the Ministry of Justice initiates court proceedings against the US presidential candidate. FBI Director James Comey said that despite the fact that Clinton, according to the investigation, really committed a crime, she should not be prosecuted, because her actions had no malicious intent. At the same time the head of the FBI de facto "rewrote" the law governing the responsibility of officials who commit such a violation. According to the Federal Penal Code of the United States (Section 793 (f)) "gross negligence" with secret information, which resulted in its loss or falling into the hands of third parties, does not include the presence of malicious intent as part of a crime and should be punished by a fine or imprisonment up to 10 years.

On the eve of this announcement, Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch, US Attorney General. During a private conversation he allegedly discussed the fate of his wife. The decision of the FBI proves the consensus that the American elites decided to defend Clinton from enemies that were pursuing her at any cost.

Elites as they are

This decision illustrates the current state of American elites. The security forces ceased to defend national interests. The global financial elite whose interests are represented by Clinton are in full control of the situation and are confident in their impunity.

US presidential candidate from the Republican Party Donald Trump has declared that the "system is rigged" and urged his supporters to mobilize in the upcoming elections.