The newspaper "Izvestia", citing a source in the Russian foreign policy circles voiced the possible options for responding to an attempt of Ukrainian...
Russia needs Novorossiya and Malorossiya - at least the part of Malorossiya that is east of the Dnepr river. These parts are not "ukrainian", they...
The meeting of the European Council on international events scheduled for November 28th will be held in Madrid.
America must accept …
… the fact that after more than twenty years, Russia has returned as an historical force. It is a matter of political realism...
First of all, the situation in Ukraine is not as simple as it is being described by the Western media and Brussels/Washington politicians. The...
It is reported that ISIS terrorists located in Syria shelled the border Turkish town of Kilis. The shelling wounded two people, one of them - a child...
Propaganda is all political and does not change the events on the ground. Its purpose is to prevent the understanding of the events, promoting...
The South Caucasus poses a serious problem for Russia. The same goes for the entire near regions, with the exception of Belarus. Only with Minsk are...
The Electric War is being handled essentially as a tactic – leading to the eventual imposition of Russia’s terms in a possible armistice (which...
When the European Union as a political institution was established on 1 November 1993 with the Maastricht Treaty, following the already established...
From the 9th century until the beginning of the 12th century, eastern Galicia was part of the State of ancient Russia, subject to the Vladimir-Volyn...
Ukrainian nationalists burned the building of the TV channel "Inter", but the state will suppress the journalists for "pro-Russian position." Six...