In connection with the investigation of the corruption scandal around the South Korean President, the Chairman of the National Pension Service (NPS...
At a very critical moments, under the thick shadows of geopolitical issues, the 19th SCO summit held in Bishkek, Capital of Kirgizstan, on 13-14 June...
In an exclusive interview with FNA, Leonid Savin said, “The Strait of Hormuz is a very narrow place… Any small incidents may lead to a domino effect...
As the successor to the Obama administration and other US presidents, Biden’s team is aware that previous US administrations have failed to recognize...
Speech of professor Alexander Dugin on the conference in China organized by Fudan University during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 2018.
Editor's note: The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization has successfully wrapped up in China. As a famous philosopher and political analyst from...
Eurasian integration in Asia
Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), won 56% of the vote on Saturday the 16th. The DPP is the main pro-independence party and will...
A powerful feeling rhythms your skin and drums up your soul as you’re immersed in a long walk under persistent snow flurries, pinpointed by selected...
The repeated act of China lately is to pretend that it is a victim of the crime it didn’t do. In this case, the disparaging statement was that China...
The global oligarchy has long recognised the importance of the Pacific in strategic and economic planning. In recent years there has been a...
On 22 July, the Chinese press reported that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is carrying out ten days of manoeuvres in the waters off the eastern...