The US struggling to recover as a result of the economic downturn and global isolation triggered by the Coronavirus, Beijing senses American...
"BRICS is a dialogue of cultures," while the West is still outside BRICS because it insists that there are no cultures and civilizations other than...
Withdrawal of US military forces from Afghanistan was announced during Donald Trump's tenure, provided that Taliban fulfil conditions of the...
The northeastern reaches of the African continent have been maligned in the Western imagination as a place of dire suffering, war, and famine, but...
Officially termed the One Belt One Road plan but colloquially referred to in the international press as The New Silk Roads, China’s global strategy...
The squabble in the sub-continent between India and Pakistan is enlarging the shadow of war in South Asia as both nuclear neighbors are threatening...
Forum dedicated to the Chinese initiative of Eurasian economical integration was held on May 14 and 15 in Beijing.
Park Geun-hye, the current President of South Korea called for constitutional reforms that could allow future presidents to serve two terms. The...
In the center of Seoul mass protests are held. More than 550,000 people demand to arrest President Park Geun-hye.
These protests are carried out...
The opposition has begun collecting signatures for the impeachment of the President of South Korea Park Geun-hye, said Choo Mi-ae, the leader of The...
China is expected to protest against the United States’ approval of an arms sale to Taiwan when the presidents of the two nations speak over the...
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday called for deepening military-civilian integration, while highlighting sci-tech innovation as the key to...