Leonid Savin

Geopolitical analyst, Chief editor of Geopolitica.ru (from 2008), founder and chief editor of Journal of Eurasian Affairs (eurasianaffairs.net); head of the administration of International "Eurasian movement". Former Chief editor of Katehon site and magazine (2015 - 2017).

Director of the Foundation of monitoring and forecasting of development for the cultural-territorial spaces (FMPRKTP).

Author of numerous books on geopolitics, conflicts, international relations and political philosophy issued in Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Serbia and Iran.

Author publications

Title Dateαύξουσα ταξινόμηση Language
Bill Gates, vakcinace, mikročipy a patent 060606 01.06.2022 Czech
Le conflit Russie-Ukraine: une guerre par procuration entre la Russie et l'OTAN 28.05.2022 French
Het conflict Rusland-Oekraïne: een proxy-oorlog tussen Rusland en de NAVO 27.05.2022 Dutch
The Russia-Ukraine Conflict; a Proxy War between Russia and NATO 27.05.2022 English
Mitos e Realidades da Economia Verde 27.05.2022 Portuguese, Brazil
Zweden in de NAVO 27.05.2022 Dutch
Os EUA estão ficando sem poder de barganha 25.05.2022 Portuguese, Brazil
Sweden in NATO 25.05.2022 English
Mythes en realiteiten van de groene economie 23.05.2022 Dutch
Mythes et réalités de l'économie verte 23.05.2022 French
El palo americano se quedó sin zanahoria 16.05.2022 Spanish
Que faut-il attendre de l'élection présidentielle turque de 2023? 13.05.2022 French
Le bâton américain est resté sans carotte 13.05.2022 French
What to expect from the 2023 Turkish presidential election? 13.05.2022 English
Tecnogeopolítica: reinterpretando la fórmula de poder sobre el mundo de Mackinder 08.05.2022 Spanish
Technogeopolitik: Die Neuinterpretation von Mackinders Formel für die Macht über die Welt 08.05.2022 German
Pakistan: cosa ci aspetta? 04.05.2022 Italian
Pakistan: What Lies Ahead? 03.05.2022 English
Gli effetti a cascata della guerra informatica 29.04.2022 Italian
The cascading effects of cyber warfare 28.04.2022 English
La geopolitica delle Isole: qual è l'interesse di Pechino per le Isole Salomone? 28.04.2022 Italian
La géopolitique des îles: litiges territoriaux et autres aspects de la géographie maritime 28.04.2022 French
La geopolítica de las islas: disputas territoriales y otros aspectos de la geografía marítima. 25.04.2022 Spanish
Geopolitica delle isole: controversie territoriali e altri aspetti della geografia marittima 23.04.2022 Italian
