The idea of the project was developed in the 90's. A memorandum of understanding between Turkmenistan and Pakistan was signed in March of 1995. Immediately, competitive bids began. Bridas Corp. from Argentina promoted this project, but US's Unocal and KSA's Delta signed separate agreement with Turkmenistan. Central Asia Gas Pipeline, Ltd. (CentGas) led by the US, was formed in August 1996. In Jan. 1998 the Taliban also signed this project, but after attacks of Al-Qaeda on the US, and because of safe heaven provided to Osama bin Laden by the Taliban, Unocal withdrew from the consortium. After 9-11 and the American invasion of Afghanistan, British and US companies became interested in project again. But now the US is skeptical of this project starting. India joined this project in 2006 because of its fast growing energy needs. In the last 7 years were hot discussions between participants of the project, surrounding transit fees, approval of the agreements in parliaments, and the organization of the operation itself.
TAPI may serve as fuel for economic and social development in the region and may increase cooperation among regional states. As a result we may see a new Central Asian geopolitical pole emerge, separated from the Greater Middle East. It will be possible only after conflicts in Afghanistan and Pakistan are resolved, and the possible involvement of the other Central Asian countries. The region also may be consolidated under Eurasian integration, at least as a southern Eurasian part without a Russian role. But Russia as well as Iran and China may work to strengthen this project too.
At the BRICS/SCO summit in Russian Ufa, it was announced that the Moscow led project of the Eurasian Economic Union will be coordinated with the Chinese "New Silk Road". China is also developing a sea part of this project, better known as the "String of Pearls". The sharing of roles and cooperation on regional security issues may have benefits for all actors, if it will follow ideas of multipolarism and respect for the interests of all parties.